Came like a bolt from the blue
opened your heart to me
always been pretty close
but this i just couldn’t see
what about all your boyfriends
were or are they real
did you put on a face
did you know that you would feel
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
could it be a little phase
a craving for some attention
you swear you feel this way
but is it a lack of affection
what about all your boyfriends
were or are they real
did you put on a face
did you know that you would feel
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
what about all your boyfriends
were or are they real
did you put on a face
did you know that you would feel
bi bi
bi bi
bi bi
you said you’re
you said you’re
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi (you said you’re)
bi bi
bi bi
bi bi
bi bi
© Copyright 2001 Bibi M. All Rights Reserved
Lyrics Barbara Matheson, Music John Moxey.
Produced by Bibi M